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    Town of Danvers

    The Clean Water Act (1972) authorizes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to regulate point sources that discharge pollutants into waters of the United States through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program. Objectives of the NPDES Stormwater Program are to reduce the discharge of stormwater pollutants to the maximum extent practicable, to protect water quality, and to satisfy the appropriate water quality requirements of the Clean Water Act. As a suburban community, Danvers is regulated by this permit program.

    Information on all Massachusetts communities regulated by the Phase II Stormwater Program can be found here: EPA

    On April 5, 2019, the Town of Danvers received its Notice of Intent (NOI) approval from the Environmental Protection Agency and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, to discharge stormwater from our MS4 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the MS4 General Permit. Under Section 3.3 BMP ID 3E-2 of the NOI, the Town is required to perform Dry Weather Outfall Screening and Sampling in accordance with the IDDE plan and permit conditions. All screening must be completed within three (3) years after the effective date of the permit.

    Excerpt from Stormwater Regulations

    3. Operation and Maintenance Plan (Drawings and Narrative) in addition to items listed in section above this plan should also contain:

    In addition to compliance with the Stormwater Management Handbook, the Operation and Maintenance Plan (the O & M Plan) shall be designed to ensure compliance the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards (314 CMR 4.00) in all seasons and throughout the life of the system. When applicable, Stormwater Management easements will be required for all areas used for off-site stormwater control, unless the Stormwater Authority grants a waiver.

    a. The location of the systems and facilities including all stormwater and low-impact development best management practices, catch basins, manholes/access lids, pipes, and other stormwater devices;

    b. The location(s) of Stormwater Management easements provided by the property owner(s) as necessary for:

    i. Access for facility inspections and maintenance;

    ii. Preservation of stormwater runoff conveyance, infiltration, and detention areas and facilities, including flood routes for the 100- year storm event; iii. Direct maintenance access by heavy equipment to structures requiring regular maintenance.

    c. The names, addresses and contact information of the property owner;

    d. The names, addresses and contact information of the person(s) responsible for site operation and maintenance;

    e. The person(s) responsible for financing maintenance and emergency repairs;

    f. A list of easements with the purpose of each; and

    g. An Inspection and Maintenance Schedule for all stormwater management facilities, including what routine and non-routine maintenance tasks are to be performed, when they are to be conducted, who is to perform them, and to whom to report results (per SECTION, Annual Reports).

    h. Maintenance Inspections

    i. Stormwater management facilities and practices included in an O & M Plan with a Maintenance Agreement in accordance with Section 6.M of these Regulations shall undergo ongoing inspections to document maintenance and repair needs and ensure compliance with the requirements of the agreement, the Plan and these Regulations.

    ii. At a minimum, inspections shall occur once every year. A Maintenance Agreement as specified under Section 6.M of these Regulations between the owner and the Stormwater Authority shall be executed for privately owned stormwater management systems that specify the Responsible Party for conducting long term inspections.

    i. Records of Maintenance and Repair Activities Parties responsible for the operation and maintenance of a stormwater management facility shall provide records of all maintenance and repairs to the Stormwater Authority upon request. Parties responsible for the operation and maintenance of a stormwater management facility shall prepare records of the installation and of all maintenance and repairs, and shall retain the records for the most recent five years. These records shall be made available to the Stormwater Authority during inspection of the facility and upon request.

    4. Budget and Timeline in addition to items listed in section above this plan should also contain:

    a. A pre-construction, construction and post-construction budget should be included in the project description. Any variances should be noted and communicated as soon as discovered to the Stormwater Authority.
    b. A timeline should be included in the project description. Any variances should be noted and communicated as soon as discovered to the Stormwater Authority.

    C. If in the applicant’s opinion one or more of the Stormwater Management Standards or other requirements cannot be reasonably met, the applicant shall provide a detailed explanation in the Stormwater Report. This narrative shall include reasons that the requirement or Standard could not be met and a description of potential consequences if no mitigating measures are provided. 


    Danvers Stormwater Management Plan 2019

    Danvers Stormwater By-Laws

    Danvers Stormwater Regulations 

    Danvers Stormwater Homepage