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Dry Detention Pond Maintenance

Detention ponds or dry detention basins are a common and cost-effective solution for stormwater management. Dry detention ponds provide important stormwater flow and flood control features, including reducing peak runoff rates by providing temporary storage during and immediately following rain events with discharges controlled by an engineered outlet device. They also improve the stormwater quality from roads, parking lots, residential and commercial areas, and industrial sites by containing sediments, collecting debris, and removing pollutants. Finally, stormwater detention ponds can function as open spaces and passive recreation areas, thus providing additional benefits in addition to improving stormwater quantity and quality.


Detention Pond Maintenance

It is important for the property owner or property manager to properly maintain a dry detention pond to reduce the chance of pond failure. Regular maintenance is the most effective and economic way to prevent pond failure and reduce the risk of both costly restorative fees and regulatory fines. Pond failure can also cause costly damages to downstream properties and flooding in surrounding areas. A poorly maintained stormwater detention pond can contribute to environmental disasters such as the instability of downstream water channels and increased pollutants and debris into nearby water bodies impacting local watersheds.

A poorly maintained stormwater detention pond can create unsightly and unkempt areas. Such conditions can also foster insect breeding, create unpleasant odors, and other avoidable nuisances. Ultimately, increasing the property owner’s risk for costly violations.


Properly maintained dry detention ponds are effective at providing necessary runoff storage during storm events and removing pollutants and contaminants. At AQUALIS, we understand that ongoing maintenance is critical to the performance of a detention pond. Without regular maintenance, the system will eventually fail due to buildup and structural issues like sinkholes, and routine upkeep can prevent costly rehabilitative and restorative repairs. We offer comprehensive maintenance and regular servicing solutions to ensure your detention pond system operates correctly and avoid costly violation fees.

We provide the following maintenance to ensure a properly functioning stormwater detention pond:

  • Vegetation management, including mowing, trimming, invasive/ nuisance vegetation treatment and weed control
  • Stabilize slopes and controlling erosion
  • Clearing debris and trash
  • Removing sediment buildup from the basin
  • Preventing both inlet and outlet pipes from clogging
  • Maintain the aesthetic appeal of the space

We also offer restorative and rehabilitative services to help remediate your existing detention pond, such as extensive erosion control and vegetation management solutions. We can identify and fix anything that is adversely affecting the pond’s performance, so it functions properly and meets compliance guidelines.


AQUALIS is a nationwide leading provider of sustainable water resource management services to residential, commercial, industrial, municipal and governmental industries through stormwater and wastewater consulting, inspection, maintenance, industrial vacuum, jetting, and repair services. Contact us to help you properly plan, develop, install, and maintain your detention pond.

Need assistance with your Dry Detention Pond Maintenance? We can help.
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