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Infiltration Basin

Infiltration basins are a stormwater control measure (SCM) most often implemented in moderate climates. These basins are created to enhance the natural ability of soil to drain and filter stormwater by providing a large, permeable surface. The soil type is of upmost importance as these sites are intended to temporarily hold and filter stormwater runoff. Infiltration basins should fully filter stormwater in 72 hours. Underdrains may be installed underneath to ensure the stormwater filters and returns to groundwater. Constructed as shallow depressions, the bottom of these basins are flat and may contain gravel, sand, or drought tolerant species.

Infiltration Basin


Infiltration basins provide water filtration, water conservation, and stormwater quality benefits. Some of the benefits of infiltration basins include:

  • Efficient and effective pollutant and contaminant removal through infiltration and plant absorption
  • Reduction of water runoff and stormwater volume control from site
  • Effective local flood control
  • Provides groundwater recharge



Infiltration basin maintenance includes maintenance of drainage practices upland. Surrounding areas should be stabilized with vegetation to avoid erosion and the formation of rills. Regular maintenance is essential to the success of infiltration basins as they are subject to clogging. Inside these basins maintenance includes replacing gravel or topsoil, clearing inlets, stabilizing surrounding area, removing debris and trash, and repairs when necessary.

We can assist with the development and implementation of your infiltration basin management solution. Before we develop a plan for your property, an AQUALIS consultant will perform an initial site assessment to determine your stormwater management needs. Based on the information collected from this visit and our best practices, we will develop a plan that fits your site needs with the highest compliance at the lowest cost.

We develop plans in a timely manner and will also manage your stormwater inspection program to ensure that your construction projects are always in compliance. Once construction is complete, an AQUALIS representative will conduct training educate you on how to properly maintain an infiltration basin to ensure that future stormwater samples are collected, reporting is completed, and other documentation is done correctly. Our post-construction inspection and preventative maintenance programs can be custom tailored to the needs of the system, the property, and with knowledge of the local regulations.


Need Assistance with Your Infiltration Basin? We can help.

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